Connectors Are The Future

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The other day I was driving in the car and this thought came to me.

"Everything has a connection" - Chris Schenk

Think about that for a second....

Do you believe that everything in your life is connected in some way?

Do you believe that even when things seem to be random that in actuality they are probably connected in some way?

What about the concept of of the six degrees of separation?

What about the idea that there is no order in Chaos?

Is it possible that everything is connected in some way?

In your life, business, education, relationships, your successes, your failures, your family, your friends, could they all be connected some how?

Can you be a connector?


Do you feel you are only someone who is connected to other people?

What makes someone or something a connector?

Is connecting things a skill? Is it something your born with? Is it something that can be learned? Or maybe it's taught?

I believe all things are connected even if we can't see How they are connected currently.  I also believe that everyone can be a connector if they choose to be. If you don't know how to be  a connector it is something that you can learn, it is a skill that can be taught.

*If you want to be a connector but don't know how to go about it reach out and let me know I'd be more than happy to help you learn this very important skill.

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