Why do you think there is so much Negativity in the world today?
Do you think it is because people are just getting worse and eviler by the day?
Do you think it is because all the governments are corrupt?
Do you think it's because of the 24-hour news cycle that no one can trust anymore?
Do you think it is because parents haven't raised their children correctly?
Do you think it is because children today feel entitled?
Do you think it is because of the breakdown of religion today?
Do you think it is because of mental illness that seems to be running so freely today?
Do you think it is because of the threat of another World War?
Do you think it is because people have lost the meaning of “Respect”?
Do you think it is because of the destruction of the family?
Do you think it is because of the rise of feminism and the Boss B culture?
Do you think it is because Men have stopped being traditional Men and have been becoming more feminine?
Why do you think there is so much negativity in the world today?
What can we do to change it?
Listen. Think. Pray. Focus