So, for many years now I've been picking a word that I want to be my driving word for the year.
But, as luck would have it one of my friends on Twitter also came up with the idea and was asking her community what their word was going to be for 2021.
(Yes, Maiko @MaikoSakaBiz if you're reading this it is you I'm referring to.)
So since Maiko was asking everyone I figured I'd share my word for 2021 with you guys and why I have selected that word for this year.
My word this year is...
I know, I know not a sexy word.
But, what it means to me and why I choose it for this year is this...
As some of you might know that are in my community for the last two years (maybe longer) I have been producing content for a Podcast, this site, and a YouTube channel.
While I have enjoyed making content for all the different platforms and mediums there hasn't really been too much engagement on any one platform.
So since this is the start of the new year I figured I would try a different strategy and see how that works.
So my strategy for this year is this...
As my friend Chelsea Peitz said...
"Less Contenting, and More Commenting."
As far as my Podcast goes I will make more podcasts this year if the people who listen to the podcast let me know what they would like to hear about. If they don't engage and let me know... Then I won't make any more podcast episodes this year.
As far as my YouTube Channel goes I will make more videos this year if the people who have subscribed to my YouTube channel let me know what they would like to see more of on the channel. If they don't engage and let me know... Then I won't be making any more videos this year.
As far as this site goes I will continue to make weekly updates to this site on Wednesdays as I have been so I can share my thoughts with you guys in a written format.
So as you can see I am taking "Engagement" seriously this year and I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
With that being said I'm also going to be taking the time that I would usually use to create content for those platforms and instead use that time to comment and engage with others on social media.
So either my community is going to engage with me and I will continue to make podcasts and videos... Or those things will come to an end.
The community and their engagement will decide their fate.
So if you don't see any more podcasts or videos from me this year you know what the deal is.
But, even if you don't see any more podcasts or videos from me this year you can still catch up with me here on the site and you will see me leaving a bunch of comments all over other people's content on social media.
Heck, I might even leave a bunch of comments on your stuff, who knows.
Let's see what happens.
Cant Stop, Wont Stop! Dont give up bro