The Message No One Wants To Read Yet.


I read something the other day...

It was a message that was sent to me as a general broadcast about "Inclusion Speech" and how we are supposed to adopt these terms and ways of speaking going forward.

Not only is it expected that we will support and follow these terms and ways of speaking going forward we are also expected to change and make this okay and acceptable for our country and our culture today.

So some of the examples that were presented of what needs to change are as follows:

No longer are we supposed to say...

Salesman - Now we are supposed to say, salesperson.

Congressman - Now we are supposed to say, Congressperson.

Policeman - Now we are supposed to say, Police person.

Impaired, crippled, or afflicted - Now we are supposed to say a person with a disability.

Blind - Now we are supposed to say a person who has low vision.

Autistic Child - Now we are supposed to say a person who has autism.

Crazy, insane, or psycho - Now we are supposed to say a person who has psychiatric disabilities or mental illness.

Birth Defect - Now we are supposed to say a person with a congenital disability.

When we greet others we're not supposed to say ladies, gentleman, ma'am, sir, girls, or guys - Now we are supposed to say friends, folks, everyone, you, or all.

Seniors or Elderly - Now we are supposed to say an older person or older adult.

Mom, Dad, or Parents - Now we are supposed to say grownups, adults, or caregivers.

Son or Daughter - Now we are supposed to say, children.

Chairman - Now we are supposed to say, chairperson.

Mankind - Now we are supposed to say, humans or humanity.

Man-Made - Now we are supposed to say, machine-made or artificial.

Black Friday - Now we are supposed to say, the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Black and Blue - Now we are supposed to say, bruised.

He or She - Now we are supposed to say, they.

White List or Black List - Now we are supposed to say Allow list or Deny list.

Man-Hours - Now we are supposed to say, person-hours.

And the list just goes on and on... 

Here's the problem I have with "Inclusion Speech"...

I don't believe in it, I don't think it adds any value, and I don't think it's needed.

Inclusion Speech will only segregate us and divide us even more than we already are.

I'd be willing to say that Inclusion Speech is only the latest term for segregation and slavery. Not to mention that it is a violation of our First Amendment rights as Americans.

With this being said I want to offer something for all of us to consider when it comes to the word "Inclusion" and the thoughts behind the word of trying to find a way to make everyone feel included.

How about we just start calling ourselves "Americans"?

If you are a citizen of the United State of America or trying to become a citizen of the United States of America then you are an "American".

With that being said...

If you are:

White, Black, Orange, Green, Brown, etc...  Don't care you're an American.

He, She, It, They, Them, etc...  Don't care you're an American.

Lesbian, Gay, Straight, Trans, Bi, Tri, Quad, etc... Don't care you're an American.

Asain, Mexican, Tongan, Pacific Islander, Icelandic, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Australian, Russian, etc... Don't care you're an American.

Jewish, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, LDS, Wiccan, etc... Don't care you're an American.

If you want inclusion let's get behind something that is inclusive. Let's get behind one of the things our great country was founded on and let's build that great concept once again.

Let's start being and calling ourselves "Americans" again.

Let's start putting all of the petty B.S. to the side and not segregate ourselves any further. 

Let's raise up and become the type of people who it doesn't matter what they try to call us or how they try to segregate us we still come together as "Americans" to sit down at the table together and work on solving America's problems.

That way as Americans we can work towards making America a better place and the land of the Free and Brave that we all know and love.

Don't let inclusion speech divide us or segregate us even more. 

Choose to call yourself what you really are an "American" and let's all come together to solve our problems in America.

Let's make this the very best place we can to live and to raise the next generation of Americans.

America... Land of the Free, because of the Brave.

Let's commit to each other right here and now to decide to be Brave and to start calling ourselves "Americans" again and choosing to look at things a little different to make this country a better place to live "For All Americans" now and in the future.

If you agree with what you've read here today leave me a comment below and say... "I am an American."

Or, hit me up on social media and tell me "I am an American."

I look forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:

  1. I am and always will be an American. Thanks for the topic
