Is Social Media A Good Engagement Tool? Or Is It All Just For Fun?


I have a new experiment I'm going to try over the month of September.

If you've followed me on any of my social media or even here on my website you know my word for this year is "Engagement".

So what I've decided to do is, for the next (4) weeks I am going to dedicate each week to a different social media platform and see which one gives me the best engagement.

I'm not using an increase in followers as a deciding factor in this experiment what I am going to use to see if it is a success or not is how many new conversations I have with people on that platform. 

While I will post my followers at the start of the week and at the end of the week that will be just as a starting point to see if engagement and conversations help you build and retain followers. 

The true measure though is going to be how many new conversations I have with others on the platform and how they engage with me after their initial comments.  I'll keep track and report back to you guys after the experiment is over and let you know what I find. 

Here is the schedule I plan to follow for September:

09-05 thru 09-11 - Snapchat

09-12 thru 09-18 - Twitter

09-19 thru 09-25 - Instagram

09-26 thru 10-02 - Facebook

At the end of the experiment, I will make another post and tell you what I found out while I conducted my experiment. 

With that being said...

Which of the social media platforms that I mentioned above do you think I am going to have the most engagement on?

And, if you are currently on the same platforms as I mentioned above which platform do you currently have the most engagement on?

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