Ideas: Good Things You Can Do With a Partnership

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Today's Topic is "Good Things You Can Do With a Partnership".

  1. Co-Content creation and blogging.
  2. Co-Authoring of a book.
  3. Sell each others products to your communities.
  4. Trade leads.
  5. Reference each others products to your communities.
  6. Be a referrence for each other's work or products.
  7. Work on a service project together for the community.
  8. Bring in each other's Leadership teams to teach and give the other team a fresh perspective on new ways to solve problems.
  9. Do work for each other Pro-Bono, or trade your work for services or products that your partner produces.
  10. Design and sell a product together and then donate the sales of that product or service to a charity you'd both like to help.
If you have any ideas or thoughts on any of the ideas listed here, please leave a comment.